Providing top Vascular Care to West Australians

Providing top Vascular Care to West Australians

Care We communicate with patients in a way that demonstrates respect for your needs.

Dr Brendan Stanley, Vascular and Endovascular surgeon, provides the highest level of diagnostic and surgical treatment for all arterial and venous conditions.
Dr Brendan Stanley
Dr Brendan Stanley is a highly regarded and respected member of the Vascular and Endovascular community throughout Australia and internationally.
He completed a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (BMBS) in 1987, was awarded a Fellowship in General Surgery in 1998 and a Fellowship in Vascular Surgery in 2000 by The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.

VASCULAR CARE WA doppler scan and ultrasound diagnostic service.
Vascular Care WA has our own in-house integrated and noninvasive vascular ultrasound service provided by a highly experienced specialist vascular sonographer, Mr Simon Prout from Sono Diagnostic.

This service is provided at Dr Stanley's consulting rooms at the Mount Hospital. Having our own dedicated service allows us to maintain the highest quality imaging technology, resulting in accurate diagnosis, planning and management of the patient's vascular condition. Our patients have access to a convenient, comprehensive and accurate specialist vascular diagnosis and reporting system for the management of their venous and arterial vascular conditions to ensure the best health outcomes.
Our Locations
Mount Medical Centre
Suite 52, 146 Mounts Bay Road
SJOG Murdoch Medical Clinic
Suite 20, Level 1
100 Murdoch Drive
SJOG Mandurah Consulting Suites
117 Anstruther Road